Monday, December 21, 2009

Top Movies of 2009

As the year comes to a close, and my current lack of motivation in actually writing something meaningful here, I've decided on something easy. Without further a do, in no particular order, are my top movies of 2009.


While it does not even dream of living up to its graphic novel counterpart, this film certainly made a good attempt at accomplishing something that I doubt is very possible. Jon 'Dr. Manhattan' Osterman is the f[*beep*]ing Ubermensch!


I didn't actually see this one, but the trailer alone trumps the entirety of many films released this year. Shame it was so commercialized, but I have no doubt it is magnificent.

Angels and Demons

Vastly better than The DaVinci Code, this movie was too intense to ignore.

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Disappointing, but I couldn't exclude one of my favorite stories of all time.

District 9

The documentary style feeling makes the story so realistic and it parallels so greatly actual injustices. Very believable.

Inglorious Bastards

The alternate history, hilarious brutality, and beautiful passion within this movie made is even more than enjoyable from start to finish.


Two words: Bill Murray.


I want to be a Na'vi! Very telling on the nature of humans, and with stunning visuals, the heart of this movie is undeniable and very moving.

There are still some others that I have yet to see that look at least somewhat hopeful. I'm also looking forward to The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus. It looks quite interesting.

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