Saturday, January 24, 2009

Convience Store by Brief and Trunks.

Saa oya ga ne takara
Nande mou yaritai houdaiyo
Nani wo shiyou

Yonaka ja tomodachi neterushi
Terebi mou sude ni suna arashi
Souda wa konbini ikou kana?

Ni jyu you jikan (konbinien store)
Maid jyu no kyuno (konbinien store)
Gouhan kamera (konbinien store)
Kochira ata tabe masuka? (konbinien store)

Furyoo wa tamari ba (ireguchi de taburo)
Kowaku de hajikiri (ireguchi de taburo)
Koe ga kerareta (soko no onee-chan)
Nan-nan-nan-nandesuka? (no bura desu ka?)

Saa furyoo wa sugire ba
Jidou to waga watashi no tameni hira ite kureru
Erohon yonderu oyaji to
Narande zashi yonde kara
Nani yo kai ni kite wake janai kedo
Aru mono sagasu

Ni jyu yon jikan (konbinien store)
Nen jyu mekyuuno (konbinien store)
Tokyo ryokin (konbinien store)
Copy wo hayaku shite yo (konbinien store)

Sukuchi na arubaito (tsukamu mukyoo no jou)
Watashi wa supping (mayu ni mo kakazuni)
Anpan kudasai (jou do iretemasu)
Ja niku manju ii wa (tashikonarimashita)

Chotto otsuri no watashi kata Watashi no te no hira katten tsutai
Gozen ni mou bunchin gawari nideshiito oku na
Taigumi kire ni kuinoyo chotto mukashi shicau no yo
Sonna toki wa watashi kara mou shikaeshi suruno

Oden kudasai (nani ni shimasuka?)
Eto-eto (nani ni shimasuka?)
Eto-eto (reji da kon de kita)
Eto-eto (hayaku kimete kure)

Tamago kudasai (tamago hitotsu)
Tamago kudasai (tamago futatsu)
Tamago kudasai (tamago mitsu)
Ii jyou de ii wa (tamago dake desu ka?)

Kofi oome ni (tashikonarimashita)
Oikura desuka (ni jyu ku ni jyuu yen desu)
Ichiman en kara (kozen wa ne nokayo)
Ichiman en kara (kozen wa ne nokayo)
Karashi sukete yo (tashikonarimashita)
Meshiki te irenai wa (ichini ichini uruseina)
Toire kaishite yo (uchi ni wa arimasen)
Anata wa doko de suru no yo? (makemashita)

Nante koto shiteru uchi ni yoru wa mou owari wa sukete
Ni wa tori mo naku
Oya ga okiru mae ni
Ochi ni kaeranakya yabai
Konya o mata konbini ikou yo kana?

Lets go to konbinien store [3x]

Monday, January 19, 2009

Movie Releases of 2009

I was bored out in the atrium and decided to look up the movie release list for 2009. Mostly just as a reminder to myself, I'm going to list some of them here. Some of the one's I picked out are good ones worth seeing, others are maybes, and others are just going to be fun to make fun of. Well, here they are.

Jan 23:
  • InkHeart
  • Underworld: Rise of the Lychans
Feb 6:
  • Push
Mar 6:
  • Tokyo!
  • Watchmen
Mar 20:
  • Cherry Blossoms
  • Knowing
Mar 27:
  • Adventureland
  • Monsters vs Aliens
Apr 3:
  • Fast and Furious
Apr 8:
  • Dragonball
Apr 24:
  • The Soloist
May 1:
  • X-Men Origins: Wolverine
May 8:
  • Star Trek
May 15:
  • Angels and Demons
  • Bruno
May 22:
  • Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian
  • Terminator Salvation
Jun 26:
  • Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Jul 17:
  • Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
Oct 23:
  • AstroBoy
Nov 13:
  • Sherlock Holmes
Nov 20:
  • New Moon
  • Tokyo Sonata

Monday, January 5, 2009

MMA Funny Memories #1 ばか の チャウリ コンパニ

I'm really liking the whole quote idea now from Alex, and I think I'm going to use it again. At MMA, though often horrid, there were many quite comical moments. I seriously doubt most "civillians" (ha ha, as if that place were a real military academy) would get or enjoy it as much as us, but to those present during most of them, they are simply priceless. But, just so any reader is not mistaken, these are not possitive aspects of the school, simply makings of its captives while in it. Besides, most of them are funny at another's expense which should be shunned upon.....oh well.

I'll begin with one of my favorites.

"Campagna: Potter, why do you and your dumb faggot friends think you're better than everybody else!?

Potter (myself): Oh, Dino. We do not believe ourselves to be more important than others; we simply ARE better than YOU.

Onlookers: *laugh*"

Quote from Alex #1 く-から-あれくす-さん

Alright, so basically, since being here at UNF, I've met some amazing and awesome. One of the more out there individuals is named Alex. If you want to laugh, go see him. If you want to hear something that makes even the slightest sense, run. Really, he's funny as hell, so I've decided to occasionally put some of the random ass shit he says up here. Today's is as follows:

"HEY! Did you know 'circle, circle, dot, dot' does not actually prevent pregnancy!?"
---*Alex a.k.a. Kami-dono アレクス-さん*---

Randomize on, my friend. Randomize on!

Spring Semester Schedule

Here's my spring course schedule. If all goes well, that is.

Elementary Statistics for Health and Sciences-
Mondays and Wednesday-

Statistics Breakout

General Chemistry I-
Tuesdays and Thursdays-

Chemistry Lab-

General Biology II-
Tuesdays and Thursdays-

Biology Lab-
Tuesdays and Thursdays-

Virtue and Vice-

West Africa Seminar-

Honors Common Hour-
Tuesdays and Thursdays-

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Winter Break: End

Heading back up to Jacksonville today. I can't wait! Woot! I shall miss everybody here in Lakeland though. See you again soon! Hopefully classes will be fine in the coming week.

じゅぎょう の にっぽん Nippon Talk #2

I found some funny Japanese themed pictures. I think they're really funny, so here they are. Both pretty much feed off of the fact that certain aspects of Japanese culture, are simply blatantly weird and insane! Nevertheless, they're great.

Japan: Producing 78% of the world's weird shit since 1962.

Left: Japan-
Producing 78%
of the world's
weird shit since

Right: Go sell
crazy someplace
else. We're all
stocked up

じゅぎょう の にっぽん Nippon Talk #1

As most people who know me find out quite quickly, I'm OBSESSED with Japan. I fit in random phrases and responses in Japanese into most conversations. Simple things like, 'hai' (yes はい), 'arigato gozaimasu'(thank you very much ありがと ございます), and 'ohayo'(good morning おはよ)
Here are some more random phrases/responses/exclamations.

  • Ganbatte- go and try your best! (used as we use ‘good luck’)
  • Daiyo ne- Yeah, it is!
  • Doukan- ditto
  • Atetemite- take a guess
  • Dewa mata- see you
  • Ki o tsukete- take care
  • Yoi yume o- sweet dreams
  • Kakinasai- write it down
  • Ano- umm
  • Ara Ara!- whoops
  • Yatta!- I did it/yay
  • Itai!- ouch

Japanese Question Words:

  • Who?- Dare?
  • What?- Nani?
  • When?- Itsu?
  • Where?- Doko?
  • Why?- Naze?
  • How?- Donoyouni?
  • Which?- Dore?

Just about everyone is familiar with the Chinese Zodiac to some extent. A lot of people know of its tagging to the day you were born, but it is for other things as well. I'm not sure about its modern usage since the Meiji restoration and such, but at least at one time, both China and Japan used these animals to tell time. Here are the zodiac hours. When speaking of the time, one would say, we are in the Hour of the 'Blank'.

  • 23:00 - 01:00: rat
  • 01:00 - 03:00: ox
  • 03:00 - 05:00: tiger
  • 05:00 - 07:00: rabbit
  • 07:00 - 09:00: dragon
  • 09:00 - 11:00: snake
  • 11:00 - 13:00: horse
  • 13:00 - 15:00: Ram
  • 15:00 - 17:00: monkey
  • 17:00 - 19:00: rooster
  • 19:00 - 21:00: dog
  • 21:00 - 23:00: boa


Done with the recycling of older blogs now. Anything newer than now, is new. ^.^

Epiphany of the Lynx じょうじゅ の やまねこ

[Originally posted: August 29, 2008]

For a while, I was in a haze and not sure what to do with myself. I simply sat and hoped. Hoped that things could be perfect again. Just this summer, I realized, they weren't. They were great; that's for sure. Oh! they were great. But now I've realized that I was just under a poisonous plant. Not one that would kill me like that from the Garden, but simply one that would keep me in a false oasis and therefore prevent me from reaching true Paradise. I've met my Myu, so to speak. Thank god she didn't need to stay there in the oasis though! Now I'm sure I can move on, and shall. I know there'll be more bobcats whom I encounter, but hopefully I can learn from them and then proceed to my blossoming flower. God I love that show! Haha. Thank you, by the way.

My roomate mentioned that he has certain songs that define certain parts of his life. That is what made me think of this, I heard one of those songs for me, and it reminded me of the paradise I once had; I simply now know that it wasn't really MY Paradise. Not just a fling, but still not quite right.

Wow it took me way to long to come to such conclusions, haha.

If you read this and don't understand it, it is probably only because you haven't seen the show with which I was comparing my life to. No biggie! ^.^ If you do understand what I'm talking about, then you're probably one to thank (not that others aren't of course). I was originally going to write this nicely as an intellectual masterpiece of prose, but then I figured FUCK IT. Its a thought to express, and needless time on it isn't neccasary.

Now off to go have fun, learn, grow, mature, and maybe even find that flower!

Love ya!

Massanutten Military Academy Cadet Creed がくいん の ぐんじてき

[Originally posted: June 10, 2008]

We altered it to present what MMA is really all about, lol.

Cadet Creed
Massanutten Military Academy
[Modified and Improved]

I am a Massanutten Military Academy cadet,
I will sometimes conduct myself in a manner
That supposedly brings honor, and pride to my family,
Country, Academy, and to the Corps of Cadets.
(but only because they are kept oblivious to all of this establishment's bullshit)

I will demonstrate the idiocy to do
What will get Col. Zinser brownie points with the Board of Trustees
And not the logical "wrong", to shu intellectual
Habits, but still be accepted into a remedial college.

Mrs. Carlisle's photographs will demonstrate the false industry and perserverence
To excell in my academic, character, leadership,
and physical devlopement.

I will demonstrate the polluted
Character and purpose to horrendously follow
By example while holding
The Unscrupulousness Code dear.

I will always be
An ignorant citizen who knows that our successes
Are still really mediocre when they are
"Non Nobis Solum"

Unscrupulousness Code
"A cadet shall not lie, cheat, or steal, nor snitch on those who do"

Eagle Scout Ambitions Essay はき の わし

[Originally posted: November 20, 2007]

Upon arriving at the end of one's scouting career, a boy is forced to look back toward what he's done. Not only at what he's done, but it is necessary to plan events for the future and with these plans to utilize the plethora of experiences they have gone through. Despite the likelihood of not wanting to move on after reaching a certain point of near euphoria, that said is without supplementary alternatives. Thus glimpsing into the imminent and prospective future, and preparing for it accordingly. And, within such glimpses, certain aspects must be considered and planned individually as well as a collective. Portions of the future that are being mentioned include educational, occupational, sociological, as well as many others.

I, being at an age where said prospects must be considered, planned and prepared for, have just completed my Eagle Scout project. I am on the final ledge of the metaphorical mountain, so near to the summit and am now experiencing the last strain, being an abundance of paperwork, before I can soar with the true honor and title of Eagle. With these last bursts of energy, thoughts of the future accompany my effort.

After graduating from Massanutten Military Academy in Woodstock, Virginia with high honor, I hope, and will, be accepted into one of the major Floridian Universities. There, I shall live responsibly, while achieving both a double major and double minor; the former of which shall be in Zoology and Creative Writing, and the latter in Asian Studies and World History. Prior to my graduation, I plan to have published my first novel of a series, or as a minimum, a few short stories, and hope to have good sales and possibly win an award for my writing. Then, after receiving a Master's degree, or possibly a doctorate in these, I wish to move into the field of my zoological career, while writing additions to my own series of novels and anthologies.

After a time in the field, I would like to be able to live in both Japan and New Zealand for periods of time, but not permanently. There I could continue both my writing and zoological pursuits.

By this time in my life, or by my graduation from a University rather, I will have achieved a heightened sense of physical fitness, to ensure my health and drive away risks currently in my life. Also, I'd like to have learned a surplus of languages and visit all or most of the countries where these vernaculars are spoken.

I would also like to have met a woman with whom I can spend the remainder of my life with, who shares my interests and intellectual level of intelligence. After a while, children would be a nice addition to my household, thus I can truly say I have a family of my own.

Subsequent to this point in my future, my largest goal would be to raise my children well, then pass on the Potter name proudly

Strangers lyrics かし の えとらんぜ by Yoko Kanno

Strangers by Yoko Kanno

We've found a kind of paradise
In a flowers bloom.
We've seen the end of a mystic land
So close it meets the parting sun.
We've shared the thoughts that two could share,
We feel the truth, magic that we send...

Searching for something new
Isle of Gold in flowers' bloom...

We've heard a kind of paradise
Beyond the desert's dunes.
We've walked the earth in solitude,
So cold we need the warmth of sun.
We've lived the life that we could live,
We see the truth, magic that begins...

Searching for something new
Isle of Gold in flowers' bloom...

We've found a kind of paradise,
Below a sky so new.
We've weaved a web of mystery so wide,
We need the light of day.
We've worn the cloak of secret lives,
We've seen the truth, magic that we send...

Searching for something new
Isle of Gold in flowers' bloom.....

So when will it end?
So when, when will we meet, my friend?

[Repeat to fade-out]

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Harry Potter

[Originally posted: August 20, 2007]

It's finally over.

Weird. Now that it's over, I have nothing to look forward to.

No more nights awaiting the lastest enstallment. No more staying up late until early morning reading. No more adventures with the trio that we have all come to know and love.

I remember when my father, when I was in second or third grade would read me a chapter a night. I remember always begging for just one more chapter, and he'd always give in, curious himself, but still wanting to get to bed. I remember when I was confident to read the second one on my own in a timely fashion. I remember always competing with Sabrina Esposeto (sp?) for top AR reader, and always pulling out the Harry Potter books as my secret weapon with their whopping amount of points. I remember seeing a billboard in New York for the first movie, and the overwhelming joy of it. I remember my fifth grade teacher starting to read Goblet of Fire to the class, but then deciding it wasn't appropriate enough. I remember the big talk about the series being satanic, which is of course, ridiculous. Heck, even the late pope enjoyed the series. I remember "meeting" a tangeble version of Harry, Ron, and Hermione with the first movie. I remember seeing the second, and being amazed, despite it being my least favorite book. I remember fashioning my own lightning scar to the Prisoner of Azkaban movie premiere. I remember playing the video games until getting completely sick and tired of hearing Harry shout "Flipendo", then simply turning off the volume and continuing. I remember my friend Austin and I "dueling" with our fake wands and always over dramatizing the results of every spell, jinx, hex, or curse. I remember crying when the REAL Dumbledore died. I remember being dissapointed by the third and fourth movies. I remember listening to the soundtracks. I remember crying when Sirius died in the book, but not caring when it happened in the movie. I remember finally finding out that knut was not pronounced 'kuh-nut'. I remember composing complex theories and discussing them with my Box Office friends. I remember sitting alone in my room, wishing. I remember wishing that I could go to Hogwarts and be special, and not be the worthless kid I thought I was. I remember this epic series being such a large part of more than half of my life.

I know that the Wizarding World is shared between millions of readers and fans, but I truly do seem to feel a real connection to Harry and his gang. I remember plots and interactions touching me. I remember feeling sorry for Harry so many times, and feeling bad about thinking my own life was bad. I remember this sympathy help me climb out of many-a-rut. Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Fred and George, Ginny, Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas, Lee Jordan, Oliver Wood, Cedric Diggory, Dobby, Cho Cheng, Kreacher, Victor Krum, Hagrid, and so many more. I feel they are all very good friends of mine, and can compare them to many of my real life friends.

And now, its over. It seems as though my life has been slowly dissipating lately, that all of the things I've come to know and love has been crumbling before me. Not only that, but even more recently, some of it has been creeping back, but this hint of possible happiness is destroyed by my own parents. Sending me away from all that I love so that I'll be limited, and they'll have me off of their chest. I know in my heart that this is not their true intention, but I can't help but having that repeated feeling. I feel like with the end of Harry Potter, my life as I now know and love it is ending. Soon I'll have to go back to my simple dronic modes of Massanutten, Azkaban in my mind.

I find myself glancing back at the Deathly Hallows on my shelf, now closed, wishing I could pick it up again and have the story continue. I tend to feel the same way after completing a good series, or set of movies, or anime, but with Harry, I can relate, so the feeling is much deeper. I know, most of you will think I'm crazy, but I can't help it.

As for the book it self.....

Spoiler Alert!!!

It was a good final chapter to the installment. I think she killed those who could to allow it to remain a happy ending. The only two I found uneccisary and unjustly anticlimactic were the deaths of Lupin and Tonks.

I find a great deal of sympathy for Snape, and in some aspects, see myself in him.

Go Molly Weasley!!!!

And to Hedwig, Mad Eye, Fred, Ted Tonks, Lupin, Tonks, Colin Creevy, Snape and all of the unmentioned casualties, I miss you all dearly.

Lucius and Narsicca Malfoy seem somewhat valiant in their cowardice, its strange.

I don't know, I still have that wierd feeling. Today I delayed reading the last chapter as long as possible. Finally I brought my eyes upon the text, and the dared not leave it until it was gone. At the last page my heart sunk. I felt my eyes water, but no tears fell.

I have fallen in love with the series. All seven books.

Harry Potter and the Socerers Stone
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
and finally, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

The following is from my cousin's friend's blog on a similar, but more optimistic view on the subject.

"Sure, there will be two more movies, but they don't even come close. Movies don't allow much room for imagination. They hand everything to you on a plate. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore the movies, but the books are better. [in my opinon.]

But Pottermania will never die.

There will still be megafans who'd get together to discuss the series. There will still be little kids who will read the books for the very first time over the years. I'm still going to read the books over and over again until I am all "Pottered out". Pssht. Like that would ever happen.

What else can I say.

I can die now. I know the fate of Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger. I know what happens in the struggle of defeating Voldemort once and for all. Ultimately, these books hold a special place in my heart. I've grown attached to the characters. But I'm upset that no more new Potter books are going to roll into bookstores.

I really owe J.K. Rowling. Amazing writer. Amazing storyteller.

Amazing Book."

Well, to Harry, my friend, adieu. I shall miss you immensly.

To J.K. Rowling, thank you.

To Proffesor Albus Dumbledore, your wisdom will always be a marvel to my heart.

らめん Ramen!

[Originally posted: August 13, 2007]

Okay, so I just made some pretty amazing ramen for lunch. Maruchan instant, but I made it more traditionally. I boiled the water and while I did that, I chopped up some parcley and mixed sesame seeds, black pepper, cinnamon, ginger powder, fennel seed, and star anise. Then I put the noodles in the water and let them cook. As they cooked I added my new mixture and some soy sauce. Then I opened two eggs into the pot and whisked them in among the noodles. I left it there until the noodles were slightly overcooked and browned, then mixed in the parcley. Finally, after turning off the warmer, mixed in half chicken and half shrimp flavored seasonings and some small pieaces of cheese. I slipped in the asian soup spoon and chop sticks and placed some parcley on top for decoration.

It was REALLY good. But then I got full (I've been dieting lately and my stomach is shrinking. Mixed feelings about that, but by next year I shouldn't be so fat, lol) so I couldn't finish! WAAAHH!!! Oh well, I'll make a smaller portion next time (Only using half of the pack instead of the whole thing). The only negative thing is that the egg made the broth chunky after the noodles were gone, so next time I'll boil the eggs separately and slice them on top. I think I'll also leave out the cheese and use actual shrimp and chicken to flavor the broth.

I should have a goodbye party and invite a whole bunch of people, and I'll cook everybody my masterful ramen! Yeah!!!! I'm going to have a party!!! Should I make it a pool party? Or maybe we could all go, there wouldn't be enough kayaks....hmm. Maybe a pool/movie/ramen party. I'm going to plan it more, and run it by my parents. Oh! And I'll mix in the book burning idea I'd had from the school year. Everybody brings school supplies from the previous year that wasn't too expensive, they won't need anymore, and is flammable, and we'll have a fire!!! Muwahahahahaha!!!! I'm a genius!