Saturday, January 3, 2009

16 Things: イチジュロク コトドモ (Darn you, Krystal!!! Ha ha.)

Alright, so I have a few ideas on things to write about, but don't really have them all thought out, and the empty space on this blog is starting to bug me. So, I think I'll just start off with this. It is from a Facebook chain blog my friend Krystal tagged me in. Basically it is just sixteen random facts about oneself and I think it'll be a nice little beginning, despite me hating it, ha ha. Anyway, here it is!

1. I was born in the Bronx, NY(10 lbs, 4 ounces! big baby!!!) and lived there until I was five. I moved to Florida then because I was horribly sick in the colder weather up there. Very sad to leave NY, but it has turned out well.

2. I love all things aquatic. Swimming, SCUBA diving, snorkeling, kayaking, canoeing, tubing, etc. It is all great. If it takes place in the water, it is automatically great.

3. I am a complete nerd and take pride in it. BIBLIOPHILIC GEEKS UNITE!!!

4. I love and am obsessed with all things in regard to Japan, except for their inhumane treatment of dolphins and whales, needless brutality from around the nineteenth century to the first half of the twentieth, and their high child suicide rates. にっぽん!!! ニッポン!!!

5. I am a grammar freak, and love correcting that of others. Despite this, I refuse to correct my use of 'on accident' rather than 'by accident'. Ha ha. In regard to this, if you find errors of mine, please feel free to tell me, because I'll definitely be a dick and do it to you in such a circumstance.

6. I love all animals, even the nasty and ugly ones. They just have a certain naivety about them that you can't always find in people. I love volunteering at Woodland Wonders, which gives me an opportunity to react with a lot of wildlife very closely.

7. Last year I went to Azkaban for my senior year of high school. I'm grateful for the fact that I only had one year there and am already out of that hell. Likewise, I feel bad for those who were and/or are not so fortunate.

8. I'm attending University of North Florida and am loving it thus far. I'm dual-degreeing in Biology and International Studies. I plan to do research on animal behavior in the field and figure if I'm in other countries to study their wildlife, I'll have to deal with the people there as well.

9. This past summer I went to Japan for a week. My godmother took me as a graduation present and it was a blast! We stayed at the Tokyo Hilton in the Shinjuku district of Tokyo. We also visited Matsumoto, Nagano, Himeji, and Kyoto. I can't wait to go back!

10. In May, I'm going to Ghana with an Honors course here at UNF. I'm so excited to actually see Africa first hand and all of the things we're going to be experience are so awesome!!!

11. My maternal side of the family is Puerto Rican, and my paternal side is mostly French-Canadian. I love my family and couldn't ask for a better one, despite inevitable bickering at times.

12. My dog, brother, and good friend is the Most-Powerful-Being-In-The
-Universe-Next-To-God-And-Arnold-Schwarzenegger. His name is Fluffy, and he can kick your ass, ha ha.

13. I don't really understand why so many people waste their time with their self-righteous senses of false morality when there are real problems in the world and people who need help. Ignorance and bigotry seem way to commonplace. Be who you are, and stay true to yourself.

14. I feel strongly that being insulted by petty things is a blatant waste of time. If you want to whine about something somebody said, especially when in jest, you're not going to go anywhere in life without somebody holding your hand.

15. I love sitting in solitude in personal reflection and thought, preferably in the woods to the soundtracks of nature.

16. Alternately, I also love to dance! Anytime! Any type! Anywhere! Let's get down, shake and boogie! Ha ha, I'm such an idiot.

Gosh, I really should be studying. Argh. Ha ha.

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