Saturday, January 3, 2009

くさばな Flower

[Original post: August 10, 2007]

Tonight I caught glimpse of Flower,

With crimson petals, long ebony pistols, and two forest orbs of stamin.

My eyes, despite longing, hadn't seen such a flower,

For what seemed like Eternity,

Until a recent date where I spotted one akin,

But only a bud was she,

Who succeeded in merely reminding me of her sibling,

Her sister that I saw tonight.

Beautiful, majestic, magnificant.

Oh!, I miss this Flower already, being only hours from the glimpse

A silent view that was, for my heart, much too brief.

A slight breeze of wind moved her to dance brilliantly

And I thought I saw a hint of smile in my direction,

But only heresay is this

But soon I fled the nearby thorns and the boulder in my path

And ran, but looked back and back and back.

And in two fortnights I must return to the mountains,

(Almost Hell in my mind)

Where I'll howl and hope she hears my cry,

For if she does then maybe I might catch glimpse of Flower

Again, and she will uproot and come to me,

So that we may be together again,

Friends or more,

At least close

For tonight I caught glimpse of Flower

And now memories force my mourn.

Here's just my horrible and quick poetry expressing some thoughts. Excuse my horrid diction, but writing it on paper wasn't enough.

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