Saturday, January 3, 2009

さん It comes in threes.

[Originally posted: November 8, 2006]

Bad things come in threes. I've heard it so many times, especially from my mom, but she tends to be kind of supersticious, so I alway kind of just smiled and nodded. But I've come to realize that it is completely true. And now that I look back on the incidents I've had with my parents, they did as well. Two car accidents and dragging Ernie is the first trio, then the shut up incident, divorce possibility, and the prank calls. And now, death. First it was a good friend of mine, Zach. He commited suicide on October 28, 2006. Then, a freshman, Dakota Evans, from my school, whom I didn't know, but I saw him around, and knew people who knew him. He died in a car accident this past Saturday. Now this morning, my ninety-two year old great aunt, Titi Moncho, Maria Pena passed peacefully in her sleep.

I have mixed feelings about her.

I'm sad, and will miss her deeply. She was one of those people who was funny when she didn't mean to be, in her mannerisms and the way she does things. She often seemed upset, but when she did smile, it was a glorious sight, and brightened up everybody whom was lucky enough to see it.

I'm glad that her last week was one of the best she's seemed to have in forty years, and that wonderous smile became a more common occurence. She was active in her diligent helping in making my soon to be nephew's (actually second cousin) basonet and crib. She voted yesturday, went shopping, at church she was going at a break neck speed for her age of five miles an hour, contrary to her two beloved sister's slower pace, and was told by the doctor last wednsday that she had very nice health. And a whole bunch more, but she started to become more content after so many years of unhappiness. This brings me to my next point. I'm so happy for her. You see, when she was younger, she met her beloved soulmate, Manuel Pena. They were married and concieved a child. Within two months of their holy matromony, he died of a brain tumor, before their child Jose 'Coochie'(ironically the same nickname of dakota) Pena was born. Then, Cuchie too died in the Vietnam war, quite valiently, yes, but Moncho, though proud, had that innocent and neccesary greed all caring mother's have, and of course wished he'd saved his own life, rather than those of his in the war. Even her only remaining confidant that she accepted, the infamous and famous poodle, Silver died. She's been secluded since, until recently. She once told my mother that she'd happily commit suicide if she'd not go to hell for it, forcing her to never be able to see her loved ones again, for they are in heaven. So now, I'm delighted that she now has what she's wanted for sixty years. Now she's with her husband and son forever. I'm also terrified for my centarian aunt and grandmother, who found her, and are taking it quite hard.

I think that it very well may be simply that God wouldn't let her go until she had one last happy day on earth. If you could, I'd appreciate if you'd pray for all three of these people.

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