Saturday, January 3, 2009

Declaration of Independence せんげんはぴょう の いぽんだち

[Original post: August 10, 2007]

Here's a personel Declaration of Independence (from my parents) that I had to write for my online English course. (Thanks Amanda for helping me get started) Anyway, I thought some of you might find it amusing so I'll post it here.

I cut the grievences a bit short because I wrote the conclusion prior to them, and it is already too long in words (320)

I, the oppressed, in order to establish universal understanding to those who mark their practice by assumption and control, contend the very foundation for which the parental units have molded and held firm with an iron fist, for when traveling down the path of being a teenager, it becomes necessary for one teen to cut through the parental bonds that have presided over them for their whole life, and to gain the responsibility to move on in life as God and the laws of adulthood bestow them the right. The history of the said parents is tyranny. "To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world"

The said oppressors fail to realize that age, with its limited meaning, is not the only factor in a decision making. Those elders may have more experience, and tend to be much wiser, but the youth's word should be heard.

They have condemned the mostly innocent to attend a school of military structure, leagues away from the place which I call home.

They have ground my rights for violating the most minor of their often hypocritical policies.

They have instructed me to do favors for them to fuel their lethargic ways, then punish me for not completing a prior task interrupted by such favors.

They give the false impression of listening, while they ignore me.

They withold my right to finish, even the most docile of stories, without being interupted and then treated like I wasn't speaking to begin with.

They do not allow me to travel or spend time with my friends, then lecture me for extended amounts of time about how I seem to never do anything with the said friends.

They show open arms and offer to help, but when I try to accept these offers, they change the subject into critecizm.

They hold me to a standard that they themselves never meet, then accuse me when the illusion of me falling from this standard is created by the fault of others.

Youth is not a haven for irresponsibility, but that of the desire of freedom, despite the near impossibility of receiving it. Immaturity resides in people of all ages, ethnic backgrounds, races, and genders, thus the assumption that those of youth are forever with foul intent is foolish. With documentation of driving privileges, relocation to a university in a near future, and an eighteenth birthday approaching, it is necessary for said parents to let go and allow myself, a young adult to make my own mistakes and repair them accordingly, to achieve my own goals and be congratulated accordingly, and to make my own decisions, thus living my life.

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