Saturday, January 3, 2009

らめん Ramen!

[Originally posted: August 13, 2007]

Okay, so I just made some pretty amazing ramen for lunch. Maruchan instant, but I made it more traditionally. I boiled the water and while I did that, I chopped up some parcley and mixed sesame seeds, black pepper, cinnamon, ginger powder, fennel seed, and star anise. Then I put the noodles in the water and let them cook. As they cooked I added my new mixture and some soy sauce. Then I opened two eggs into the pot and whisked them in among the noodles. I left it there until the noodles were slightly overcooked and browned, then mixed in the parcley. Finally, after turning off the warmer, mixed in half chicken and half shrimp flavored seasonings and some small pieaces of cheese. I slipped in the asian soup spoon and chop sticks and placed some parcley on top for decoration.

It was REALLY good. But then I got full (I've been dieting lately and my stomach is shrinking. Mixed feelings about that, but by next year I shouldn't be so fat, lol) so I couldn't finish! WAAAHH!!! Oh well, I'll make a smaller portion next time (Only using half of the pack instead of the whole thing). The only negative thing is that the egg made the broth chunky after the noodles were gone, so next time I'll boil the eggs separately and slice them on top. I think I'll also leave out the cheese and use actual shrimp and chicken to flavor the broth.

I should have a goodbye party and invite a whole bunch of people, and I'll cook everybody my masterful ramen! Yeah!!!! I'm going to have a party!!! Should I make it a pool party? Or maybe we could all go, there wouldn't be enough kayaks....hmm. Maybe a pool/movie/ramen party. I'm going to plan it more, and run it by my parents. Oh! And I'll mix in the book burning idea I'd had from the school year. Everybody brings school supplies from the previous year that wasn't too expensive, they won't need anymore, and is flammable, and we'll have a fire!!! Muwahahahahaha!!!! I'm a genius!

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