Sunday, January 4, 2009

Eagle Scout Ambitions Essay はき の わし

[Originally posted: November 20, 2007]

Upon arriving at the end of one's scouting career, a boy is forced to look back toward what he's done. Not only at what he's done, but it is necessary to plan events for the future and with these plans to utilize the plethora of experiences they have gone through. Despite the likelihood of not wanting to move on after reaching a certain point of near euphoria, that said is without supplementary alternatives. Thus glimpsing into the imminent and prospective future, and preparing for it accordingly. And, within such glimpses, certain aspects must be considered and planned individually as well as a collective. Portions of the future that are being mentioned include educational, occupational, sociological, as well as many others.

I, being at an age where said prospects must be considered, planned and prepared for, have just completed my Eagle Scout project. I am on the final ledge of the metaphorical mountain, so near to the summit and am now experiencing the last strain, being an abundance of paperwork, before I can soar with the true honor and title of Eagle. With these last bursts of energy, thoughts of the future accompany my effort.

After graduating from Massanutten Military Academy in Woodstock, Virginia with high honor, I hope, and will, be accepted into one of the major Floridian Universities. There, I shall live responsibly, while achieving both a double major and double minor; the former of which shall be in Zoology and Creative Writing, and the latter in Asian Studies and World History. Prior to my graduation, I plan to have published my first novel of a series, or as a minimum, a few short stories, and hope to have good sales and possibly win an award for my writing. Then, after receiving a Master's degree, or possibly a doctorate in these, I wish to move into the field of my zoological career, while writing additions to my own series of novels and anthologies.

After a time in the field, I would like to be able to live in both Japan and New Zealand for periods of time, but not permanently. There I could continue both my writing and zoological pursuits.

By this time in my life, or by my graduation from a University rather, I will have achieved a heightened sense of physical fitness, to ensure my health and drive away risks currently in my life. Also, I'd like to have learned a surplus of languages and visit all or most of the countries where these vernaculars are spoken.

I would also like to have met a woman with whom I can spend the remainder of my life with, who shares my interests and intellectual level of intelligence. After a while, children would be a nice addition to my household, thus I can truly say I have a family of my own.

Subsequent to this point in my future, my largest goal would be to raise my children well, then pass on the Potter name proudly

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