Sunday, January 4, 2009

Massanutten Military Academy Cadet Creed がくいん の ぐんじてき

[Originally posted: June 10, 2008]

We altered it to present what MMA is really all about, lol.

Cadet Creed
Massanutten Military Academy
[Modified and Improved]

I am a Massanutten Military Academy cadet,
I will sometimes conduct myself in a manner
That supposedly brings honor, and pride to my family,
Country, Academy, and to the Corps of Cadets.
(but only because they are kept oblivious to all of this establishment's bullshit)

I will demonstrate the idiocy to do
What will get Col. Zinser brownie points with the Board of Trustees
And not the logical "wrong", to shu intellectual
Habits, but still be accepted into a remedial college.

Mrs. Carlisle's photographs will demonstrate the false industry and perserverence
To excell in my academic, character, leadership,
and physical devlopement.

I will demonstrate the polluted
Character and purpose to horrendously follow
By example while holding
The Unscrupulousness Code dear.

I will always be
An ignorant citizen who knows that our successes
Are still really mediocre when they are
"Non Nobis Solum"

Unscrupulousness Code
"A cadet shall not lie, cheat, or steal, nor snitch on those who do"

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