Saturday, January 3, 2009

Harry Potter

[Originally posted: August 20, 2007]

It's finally over.

Weird. Now that it's over, I have nothing to look forward to.

No more nights awaiting the lastest enstallment. No more staying up late until early morning reading. No more adventures with the trio that we have all come to know and love.

I remember when my father, when I was in second or third grade would read me a chapter a night. I remember always begging for just one more chapter, and he'd always give in, curious himself, but still wanting to get to bed. I remember when I was confident to read the second one on my own in a timely fashion. I remember always competing with Sabrina Esposeto (sp?) for top AR reader, and always pulling out the Harry Potter books as my secret weapon with their whopping amount of points. I remember seeing a billboard in New York for the first movie, and the overwhelming joy of it. I remember my fifth grade teacher starting to read Goblet of Fire to the class, but then deciding it wasn't appropriate enough. I remember the big talk about the series being satanic, which is of course, ridiculous. Heck, even the late pope enjoyed the series. I remember "meeting" a tangeble version of Harry, Ron, and Hermione with the first movie. I remember seeing the second, and being amazed, despite it being my least favorite book. I remember fashioning my own lightning scar to the Prisoner of Azkaban movie premiere. I remember playing the video games until getting completely sick and tired of hearing Harry shout "Flipendo", then simply turning off the volume and continuing. I remember my friend Austin and I "dueling" with our fake wands and always over dramatizing the results of every spell, jinx, hex, or curse. I remember crying when the REAL Dumbledore died. I remember being dissapointed by the third and fourth movies. I remember listening to the soundtracks. I remember crying when Sirius died in the book, but not caring when it happened in the movie. I remember finally finding out that knut was not pronounced 'kuh-nut'. I remember composing complex theories and discussing them with my Box Office friends. I remember sitting alone in my room, wishing. I remember wishing that I could go to Hogwarts and be special, and not be the worthless kid I thought I was. I remember this epic series being such a large part of more than half of my life.

I know that the Wizarding World is shared between millions of readers and fans, but I truly do seem to feel a real connection to Harry and his gang. I remember plots and interactions touching me. I remember feeling sorry for Harry so many times, and feeling bad about thinking my own life was bad. I remember this sympathy help me climb out of many-a-rut. Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Fred and George, Ginny, Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas, Lee Jordan, Oliver Wood, Cedric Diggory, Dobby, Cho Cheng, Kreacher, Victor Krum, Hagrid, and so many more. I feel they are all very good friends of mine, and can compare them to many of my real life friends.

And now, its over. It seems as though my life has been slowly dissipating lately, that all of the things I've come to know and love has been crumbling before me. Not only that, but even more recently, some of it has been creeping back, but this hint of possible happiness is destroyed by my own parents. Sending me away from all that I love so that I'll be limited, and they'll have me off of their chest. I know in my heart that this is not their true intention, but I can't help but having that repeated feeling. I feel like with the end of Harry Potter, my life as I now know and love it is ending. Soon I'll have to go back to my simple dronic modes of Massanutten, Azkaban in my mind.

I find myself glancing back at the Deathly Hallows on my shelf, now closed, wishing I could pick it up again and have the story continue. I tend to feel the same way after completing a good series, or set of movies, or anime, but with Harry, I can relate, so the feeling is much deeper. I know, most of you will think I'm crazy, but I can't help it.

As for the book it self.....

Spoiler Alert!!!

It was a good final chapter to the installment. I think she killed those who could to allow it to remain a happy ending. The only two I found uneccisary and unjustly anticlimactic were the deaths of Lupin and Tonks.

I find a great deal of sympathy for Snape, and in some aspects, see myself in him.

Go Molly Weasley!!!!

And to Hedwig, Mad Eye, Fred, Ted Tonks, Lupin, Tonks, Colin Creevy, Snape and all of the unmentioned casualties, I miss you all dearly.

Lucius and Narsicca Malfoy seem somewhat valiant in their cowardice, its strange.

I don't know, I still have that wierd feeling. Today I delayed reading the last chapter as long as possible. Finally I brought my eyes upon the text, and the dared not leave it until it was gone. At the last page my heart sunk. I felt my eyes water, but no tears fell.

I have fallen in love with the series. All seven books.

Harry Potter and the Socerers Stone
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
and finally, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

The following is from my cousin's friend's blog on a similar, but more optimistic view on the subject.

"Sure, there will be two more movies, but they don't even come close. Movies don't allow much room for imagination. They hand everything to you on a plate. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore the movies, but the books are better. [in my opinon.]

But Pottermania will never die.

There will still be megafans who'd get together to discuss the series. There will still be little kids who will read the books for the very first time over the years. I'm still going to read the books over and over again until I am all "Pottered out". Pssht. Like that would ever happen.

What else can I say.

I can die now. I know the fate of Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger. I know what happens in the struggle of defeating Voldemort once and for all. Ultimately, these books hold a special place in my heart. I've grown attached to the characters. But I'm upset that no more new Potter books are going to roll into bookstores.

I really owe J.K. Rowling. Amazing writer. Amazing storyteller.

Amazing Book."

Well, to Harry, my friend, adieu. I shall miss you immensly.

To J.K. Rowling, thank you.

To Proffesor Albus Dumbledore, your wisdom will always be a marvel to my heart.

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