Monday, January 5, 2009

MMA Funny Memories #1 ばか の チャウリ コンパニ

I'm really liking the whole quote idea now from Alex, and I think I'm going to use it again. At MMA, though often horrid, there were many quite comical moments. I seriously doubt most "civillians" (ha ha, as if that place were a real military academy) would get or enjoy it as much as us, but to those present during most of them, they are simply priceless. But, just so any reader is not mistaken, these are not possitive aspects of the school, simply makings of its captives while in it. Besides, most of them are funny at another's expense which should be shunned upon.....oh well.

I'll begin with one of my favorites.

"Campagna: Potter, why do you and your dumb faggot friends think you're better than everybody else!?

Potter (myself): Oh, Dino. We do not believe ourselves to be more important than others; we simply ARE better than YOU.

Onlookers: *laugh*"

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