Sunday, January 4, 2009

Epiphany of the Lynx じょうじゅ の やまねこ

[Originally posted: August 29, 2008]

For a while, I was in a haze and not sure what to do with myself. I simply sat and hoped. Hoped that things could be perfect again. Just this summer, I realized, they weren't. They were great; that's for sure. Oh! they were great. But now I've realized that I was just under a poisonous plant. Not one that would kill me like that from the Garden, but simply one that would keep me in a false oasis and therefore prevent me from reaching true Paradise. I've met my Myu, so to speak. Thank god she didn't need to stay there in the oasis though! Now I'm sure I can move on, and shall. I know there'll be more bobcats whom I encounter, but hopefully I can learn from them and then proceed to my blossoming flower. God I love that show! Haha. Thank you, by the way.

My roomate mentioned that he has certain songs that define certain parts of his life. That is what made me think of this, I heard one of those songs for me, and it reminded me of the paradise I once had; I simply now know that it wasn't really MY Paradise. Not just a fling, but still not quite right.

Wow it took me way to long to come to such conclusions, haha.

If you read this and don't understand it, it is probably only because you haven't seen the show with which I was comparing my life to. No biggie! ^.^ If you do understand what I'm talking about, then you're probably one to thank (not that others aren't of course). I was originally going to write this nicely as an intellectual masterpiece of prose, but then I figured FUCK IT. Its a thought to express, and needless time on it isn't neccasary.

Now off to go have fun, learn, grow, mature, and maybe even find that flower!

Love ya!

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